This week was from 8 th Monday to 12 th Friday 2018. This week was a busy week. Topics were completed all this week itself based on the lesson plan. 30 lesson plans were completed.
                  On Monday 8th January  I was planned to give them a revision class for the diagnostic exam. Today for that I went to college and corrected diagnostic questions and reached back at 3.00 pm.
                    On Tuesday  9th January there was no class but still I went to class for taking class during free hours. I took for 5th 6th class students. Today again I went to college and corrected the questions and conducted at 6th period. Evening I took class for 9 th standard students NAVAPRABHA classes.
                     On Wednesday Sangeetha miss came to observe the class . I took class during  1st hour  for 9th standard on the topic of sulphuric acid preparation. I got free hours in 9 so I took  2 topics today itself. Also I had today class in 8 the standard I took about 3 topics by taking class in free hours also simple pendulum experiment and tuning fork experiment were also done in the class. Pupils become very much interested in the class.
                On Thursday I took class for 8 th standard about the topic propagation of sound. Also I took free hours for them to complete lesson. 9 the standard students were also given classes for post test.
                On Friday I took class for 9 th standard and conducted post test for them. The students response was good. Also I revised the topics to the pupils.
                This week class I included experiment section and chart is used for teaching. Many class were attractive and interactive section. Notes were given up-to-dately.


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